Entertainment for an adults-only audience, we are new and dedicated to serving up 100% uncensored adult toons and comics. No censorship allowed. No pixelation allowed. Hentai, comics, cartoons, adult game captures, 3D videos and photos with more to come.
- animeXrated is 100% free to access
- animeXrated is 100% uncensored
- animeXrated welcomes artist submissions
- animeXrated welcomes member participation
For adults 18 years of age or older, you are free to enjoy this site as is or you can become a member to take full advantage of our services, it’s free.
Are you a webmaster, sponsor or an artist looking for support and would like to work with us? Please visit our network site at adultXnetwork.com, where we offer a number of free services, support and resources.
Thank you for your support!